You are a small and insignificant intern. Your job is to bring coffee to everyone and do insignificant tasks.


  • You will need to interact with various things, like the coffeemachine to fill your coffeepot.
  • For the first quest, you’ll need to pick up the watering can by pressing e
  • On the right top corner all active quests are listed
  • At the beginning, you only work on the ground floor. As time passes, you will also have to do jobs in higher floors. This is also reflected by changes in the music


  • use a, d to move left, right.
  • use w, s to move the elevator up and down
  • use e to interact.
  • use q to swap the inventory items.


  • Fulfill the tasks, before the time runs out.
  • On success will get another task.
  • Two more tasks on failure.
  • If you lag behind with your tasks or your colleagues run out of coffee, you get fired. Have fun!

As in real life, there is no end to your internship. Just try to keep it as long as possible …

CREDITS: Art: sommerlilie (@sommerlilie), Triceraptodactyl (@triceraptodactyl) Code: Saibotk (@saibotk), piegames (@piegames), Jidbo (@jidbo) and ALoTron (@alotron) Audio: Himusoka (@himusoka)

Thank you all, <3 See you next time.


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